DREAMLAND is a short documentary series following photographer Mounir Raji, directed by Suzanne Koopstra. I did the animation and sound design for the title sequence.
Title sequence credits
Production Company - UNDERSCORE
Director - Suzanne Koopstra
Executive Producer - Willem Beelaerts van Blokland
Executive producer Cameranu - Maruan Hassan
Producer - Rox Patawala
Producer - Matthijs Los
D.O.P. - Sami El Hassani
Camera assistent - Maruan Hassan
Gaffer - Tara Bisoen
Bestboy - Pramesh Sewgobind
Animation, art direction and sound design: Jurriaan de Groot
Art book intro - Mies Bongenaar
3D clouds: Lucas Brzozowski @ monod
Colorgrading - Koert van der Ploeg
Music - Cengiz Arslanpay
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Full credits
Director - Suzanne Koopstra
Executive Producer - Willem Beelaerts van Blokland
Executive producer Cameranu - Maruan Hassan
Producer - Rox Patawala
Producer - Matthijs Los
D.O.P. - Sami El Hassani
Camera assistent - Maruan Hassan
Gaffer - Tara Bisoen
Sound engineer - Max Oostveen
Art - Zino Bakker
Bestboy - Pramesh Sewgobind
PA - Noud Wellink
PA - Cas Velthuis
Animation intro - Jurriaan de Groot
Art book intro - Mies Bongenaar
Edit - Willem Beelaerts van Blokland
Colorgrading - Koert van der Ploeg
Music - Cengiz Arslanpay
Audiomix - Gooi & Vecht Studio
Poet - Rachad Debdoubi
Special thanks: Mounir Raji, Samir Raji, Latifa, Wail, Mahir & Ilyas, Julia Verkaik (De Stu)